@Bag Mandela u gay as shit for this one lmao.. u couldn’t think of any other themes
Everybody who posted was flammers why the fuck would anybody think that shit was cool or creative ?
Shit is diabolic imma say it again anybody who did post a verse is clearly fucking gay.
I couldn’t even write 1 not even trying to compliment like nah I’m good. We all here to Battle rap fuck is that clown shit?
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Sorry let me reword this for your Honkey racist ass. if I’m being tagged by staff they don’t give a fuck about YOU or your opinion
My point exactly you have been nothing but dick eating in every thread posted here even if it as zero rat dirt shit to do with you u still stick ur nose where it don’t belong. I can tell you never been duffed in yo shit cracka.
Verseman Got banned for voting for himself. what a Whack Faggot.
Jack Swallows is whiter than Justin Timberlake dropping nigga bombs. [Smh]
everytime someone tags you now i’ma respond just to watch your cholesterol skyrocket.
lmao@ the tough guy talk. clowns always try to get brolic online when their whining fails to elicit the desired result.
no one fears you, my nigga. & i’ma laugh even harder when you get made to look even stupider than you already do.
Verseman Got banned for voting for himself. what a Whack Faggot.
Jack Swallows is whiter than Justin Timberlake dropping nigga bombs. [Smh]
how can i ever be lonely when you give me more attention than your own kids lol.
it’s been fun watching you grasp desperately at straws cuz you think you know more about me than you actually do.
if you gave half the energy you give me to your craft, you wouldn’t have to duck battles across multiple sites & hide behind an alias expecting dudes not to recognize you lol.
I deffo never mentioned anything about a lack of money & I never asked for your help, I said I needed an engineer, you sent me a track you'd made, I realised you weren't an engineer since you had clashing frequencies & were mixing tracks on a gaming headset so offered to have a look at your project file to help you with it, you declined, that was it. I was a bit disappointed you & Knox didn't want to post cuz it means your opponents are gonna have no shows. I expect a bit of abuse on a battle rap forum, it's all part of it, but don't be straight up lying about shit.
Sometimes you gotta ignore faggots like Bag, who lie when they get called out
It went from you trying to convince me to make sample packs for you, you literally asked me to do a whole job for you for free.
You had absolutely nothing to offer. You wanted to see how someone like me templates tracks and what I use.
I've seen ur stuff bag, when I first joined here I dissed u and the rest of the EU and you made a track that was poorly mixed.
Drop some of it right now and anyone will notice the difference between someone like me and someone like you.
But you definitely wont lol.
My response to this was
nah I'm not looking for beat tips thanks though.
and heres the u begging me to join this gay ass league
[QUOTE=Chree]Originally Posted by Bag Mandela
Trashing on liars Is super easy when you got all the receipts.
Your drums are child level that are done on a channel rack by clicking boxes.
I used an Automatically Tuned Alesis drum set while I was live drumming.
And that Equals clashed frequencies.
I knew you were full of shit when you told me to center a live drum-sets crash.
It sounds the way I want to hit it the same with the snare it almost sounds like I'm using different ones.
Last edited by Chree; October 20th, 2024 at 11:50 PM
Y’all fucked all our biches tho.. I’m not ugly but air force chicks like marines more lol I got a few taken from me lol
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Yo why niggas going so hard son? lol god damn niggas acting like they wanna fight bags lol Jesus I get it tho it was a very different idea lmao but shit man I get pussy I’m in the streets nd I work a 9-5 and it ain’t dat serious to me I just wanna battle
FAQ - pronounced fack…
Eye or E.Y.E - divination (seek knowledge using computers)
Reddit- A web “sight” with frequent asked and answered questions.
it should read Fa, Q, I read it for kicks
knew that verse was coming. surprised it took so long.
Will of the Most High is what gave me pause to begin with but He also told me don’t be quarrelsome & i kinda fucked that up lmao. so i figure a couple regrettable bars can’t add that much more heat to my hellfire counter when i die lol
You've mocked gods ways, created a circus around it.
An example paradox to a good ending.