maaan where the fuck are @miracle , @Unfukwitable , @Zqlkular , @FaQEyeReddit , @daveDILLY , @Slayerr. , @mal diction ?
they all at home holding cocks still??
only participant’s whereabouts i don’t care about are that mutha fucka ____________
maaan where the fuck are @miracle , @Unfukwitable , @Zqlkular , @FaQEyeReddit , @daveDILLY , @Slayerr. , @mal diction ?
they all at home holding cocks still??
only participant’s whereabouts i don’t care about are that mutha fucka ____________
i’m here for the cash & gone. then it’s off to smash ya mom in a bathroom stall
i’ve oranged (arranged) for fam’s line to have black across like the pattern on a basketball
I’mma sever your head and then slam dunk that shit as it’s falling…
We’ve seen your pic Verseman, no hair there, appalling, I’ll use your head as a basketball coz it’s-balding (/it’s Spalding).
Last edited by Virbius; November 9th, 2024 at 08:04 PM
BOTH OF YALL PIPE DOWN!, my 'styles unmatchable' like OVERALLS AND WHITE GOWNS!!
think you got the PROTOCAL TO FIGHT NOW??, I'll put the 'eagles on ya head' like a TOTEM POLE,.. BUST 5 ROUNDS!!..
you seem mildly confused. makes me virally amused.
how can i be head-less when i’ve always got your wife’s saliva in my pubes?
*head is oral sex for you uncultured virgins.
- - - Updated - - -
maaan who the fuck are you dissin, b? put this bitch out his misery
cops’ll need more than dental records to uncover the mystery of this missin Teaf
A bar about Teaf missing at last, I'm droppin so we didn't have gaps,
Your Dad takes DVDs to his book club and wore armbands to a riverdance class
i’m trigged man, gAsp! how dare you mention Pops disrespectfully
i’ll shove a social studies book up ya pussy ass & call it a histoRECTUMy
*social studies & history class are the same in US schools
we all know your HISTORIES QUEER JACK, you gave ya "assist/ass cysts to PISTOL PETE A YEAR BACK!!..
when my FISTS FULL BEAT YA EAR BLACK, coz you can't 'blame you were under influence' of CRYSTAL, WEED AND BEER PACKS!!..
Last edited by HEK TEAFY; November 10th, 2024 at 01:12 AM
i will beat this nigga Hek Teafy til he get sleepy, strain for breath weakly
threat? easy. he ain’t even the correct specie. what is it’s sex? he/she
If we saying Jack’s got multis we just mean his accounts, he a whole bunch of folks,
His pronouns be like he/he/he, this guy’s a fucking joke.
this cuck is broke. pockets got dirt & some lint that’s why this herb’ll relent
pair of jumper cables clamped to his tongue w/ murders intent will ensure virb’ll consent
Clamps on his tongue? You thinkin maybe pegging his nipples while you spat on his scrote?
It's cool, & expected when your name means you wanna wank off the pope
Mandela want's to host and lay a line like he's Lush on coke.
But he's off his lid.. the toilet broke. So I'll flush Bag like the cops approach.
y’all some odd damn fellas. like lettuce i’ma chop fam head up
two bitches in the same Bag, i’ll call it ShaMandela