Let it Be Beautiful

Remembering every conversation we had back to the rejoin but now as adults
Like yo I’m still on the trick shit getting tricked just praying for real
Like how that shit is real - I guess I get that much
Just it’s not how it’s supposed to be
And then these moments of finally then gone again too many times
It’s enough to fuck with any trust I held for anything or anybody much
Remembering that one line “Bemember that day we said
Well hell, that was Cesar’s war and I’m fighting so hard not to be out of touch anymore
Even though it’s easier… like getting shot and how death was easy
It was the defrib and coming back to life that hurt so much
To stand alone and witness it all with nothing but assumptions and everything else I’m against… and such

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NO I was being sarcastic

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Can anybody look me in the eye and just tell the truth?

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