I'll be honest. Maybe it's because I'm only 31 or maybe I'm just not a fan... but the new alien movie is the only one in thoroughly enjoy lol. Don't care for predator either but liked Predators and Prey.
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I'll be honest. Maybe it's because I'm only 31 or maybe I'm just not a fan... but the new alien movie is the only one in thoroughly enjoy lol. Don't care for predator either but liked Predators and Prey.
you telling me you never felt a tingle in your trousers when you watched Ellen Ripley roll up on the Queen with a fucking power loader talkin bout “Get away from her you BITCH”
first Predator & Prey are my favorites as far as the horror aspect but Predators is a highlight cuz it’s like an action/adventure/sci fi mash up kinda like The Mummy w/ Brendan Fraser. plus you can’t go wrong with Laurence Fishburne. Predator 2 is iconic cuz that “Want some candy?” scene has been living rent free in my head ever since childhood lol. something about a hyper intelligent super lethal non terrestrial creature w/ cloaking abilities ominously mimicking an innocent human gesture before completely eviscerating someone is still a top tier genre moment for all time lol.
Yeah, no lol. Just feels outdated to me.
I liked the first three Alien movies, haven’t seen any beyond that. My theory is that the early ones feel outdated now because they introduced (innovated or at least popularised) a lot of genre tropes which have since been copied to the extent that they feel tired.
For example, the scene where they’re looking for the alien and it’s ramping up the tension as they go to open the cupboard, but then get jumpscared by a cat leaping out. Seeing that for the first time now I’d roll my eyes, but at the time that technique was way more fresh and effective.
I think a lot of classics tend to be victims of their own success in that way.
i can’t believe he said Ripley being badass doesn’t make his dong dance. i don’t know what to believe anymore.
what’s he going to say next, that he wouldn’t let Sarah Connor pump his 12 gauge until he terminates his load all over the skynet?
i shudder at the answer.
No. No I wouldn't lol.
nah, first and second Alien/s was lightyears ahead of its time and genre defining. I would go so far as to say, there has not been an actual SCARY alien horror movie since Alien and Aliens.
The only Alien movie I hate in the Alien franchise was AVP Requiem, but mostly because they completely ruined the film by making everything so dark you cant even make out what you are looking at.
I also think Predators 2010 version was highly underrated. The first Predator is a masterclass as well.
I also realize I grew up in a different era then most of you, so I actually saw how genre defining these movies were when they came out.
Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, and Aliens were definitely the big 3 movies that started my early love for horror movies.
Terrifier 3 was awesome. I still think Allie's death in Terrifier 2 is the most brutal kill in the series so far, Terrifier 3 certainly pushes the limits on realism when it comes to the kills. Again, I wont say much, but there is one scene where I think if you showed it to someone who didn't know, it would have passed as a real murder on film. Has all the gore, craziness, and disgusting you can ask for. Not a lot of story going on here, they touch a little bit on what Art actually is without killing any of the mystery about his character. Movie is a good time for people like me who loves crazy gory practical effects. I loved seeing Tom Savini in the movie too because him and Damien Leone is probably my favorite practical effects people in the business today
I'll probably see it this upcoming week. The first is probably my favorite still tbh. I liked that it was more realistic and didn't have any of the supernatural stuff. Not to take anything away from the second because it's good too but it felt like a whole different movie.
The supernatural elements started before the actual Terrifier series with The 9th Circle and even All Hallows Eve to an extent.
I really do like the low budget grind housey feel of the first one though. It is a different type of movie from the other 2 in the actual Terrifier series.
I think I've seen All Hallows Eve once. Never seen the other one. I've seen Terrifier more times than I can count and I've seen the second probably five times. I'm pretty split between the hang woman scene in the first one and the bedroom dismemberment in the second so far.
:whacky: this world truly is lost.
damn bro no mention of the OG Halloween?? still best musical score in all of horror. Phantasm is another one with a dope score.
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i gotta peep Terrifier 3. had no idea it was part of a connected universe branching to other films. i’m gonna watch all them shits… & yeah Bone Tomahawk did the Terrifier bisection scene way better. Kurt Russel sells the absolute SHIT outta that scene. deffo on a top horror death list somewhere.
The problem with the Halloween is when i started getting into horror Halloween 4 released and it wasn't that great at all. By then, I was already into the 3 mentioned. I had to go back and watch the Original Halloweens.
Im a fan of Halloweens, but Alien/Nightmare On Elm St./F13th certainty hooked me in.
There are a ton of old school horror films that live at the top of my list even to this day . . . Texas Chainsaw, Exorcist, House On Haunted Hill, The Howling, Poltergeist, Amityville, Pycho, Living Dead Movies, children Of the Corn, and i could go on and on
My absolute favorite horror movie of all time is The Changeling (1980). I had no clue what a ghost was until I seen that movie.
My favorite TV shows as a kid was always horror as well. Twighlight Zone, Tales From the Darkside, Tales From The Crypt, Creepshow, Freddys Nightmare, Werewolf, Elvira Movie Macabre, Monsters, The Hitchhiker, Alfred Hitchcock Presents etc. . .
good times
My first horror movies was Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer and The Blair Witch Project. I was born in 93 so... yeah. I'm very much a product of the 90s and 2000s.