Halloweenie Edition
Hope all of you had a very spooky Halloween and are ready for the upcoming events! Let me tell you, there have been some ups and some downs already, but im going to give you guys a nice and sexy summary. Some of you really showed up and showed out. That warms my brisket. Others of you got a little intimidated bout getting in touch with your inner Diddy. Lets see what we had
Last weeks battles!
Battles of the Butt Bandits
Hek Teafy Vs Zqlkular
Even tho the battle was decided in Hek Teafy’s favor this was a notable exchange. HT came with a very aggressive homosexual style while Zq gave me that “Orlando Brown” feeling. I Had no idea where this guys punches were going I just know they were loaded with KY. Disgusting!! GREAT WORK GENTLEMEN
Mal Diction vs Unfukwitable
Nice to see two vets getting nasty. I like it. Unf didn’t hesitate to give these James Charles meets Onyx style bars. These are classics bars and should be written down and studied by any rappers homosexual or not. Mal didn’t go down without a palm on his head. The “bro stamp”bar funnier than dropping the soap when it has a rope on it. This is the kind of writing I enjoy reading. all bs aside just getting into character.
Miracle vs Homicidal
No show here but miracle still dropped bars for us to pleasure ourselves too. Reminiscent of a fledgling bi-boy struggling with his sexuality, Miracle was resistant but still willing to try. He gracefully bounced between being homo and hetero, straddling the fence like a choir boy talking in confession to the priest he calls daddy.
Jack Hallows vs Fresh
I was looking forward to this matchup. Jack has become someone to keep an eye on here at RB. New to this scene but not text battling he has been active and holding his own..Dick. because he was alone in this battle. He got a helluva skeet off tho.
FaqEyeReddit vs Chree
One of the biggest upsets I have had lately. Chree no-showing a match. This should have been a shoe-in for him since 98% of the shit he writes is atrociously homosexual, non-sensical, but at the same time obviously written by someone who hasn’t touched a vagina. Which leads me to believe Faq better count his blessings that Chree couldn’t couldn’t find his reading glasses that he lost in a fisting accident.
TheShaman vs daveDilly
Dave really bent over and took this one. Meek Mill’d it. Gave it up without trying. Smh this would have been a dogfight had it come to fruition. And by dog fight I mean gay poodles chasing each others bums in a circle. As is TheShaman went OD on that sweet sweet anus. 3 bars was NOT ENOUGH for him to properly express how he felt so he made sure that his opponent's absence was taken full advantage of like a roofied vagrant.
KnoXxville vs Virbius
Another no-show for an anticipated match-up. And once again one of the opponents made up for the last of his competitor's spirit but dropping extra bars. Virbius is an exceptional talent and didn’t take a moments rest making sure to keep his name in your motherfking mouth. I want to see this same motivation going into the next round.
Week of the Side kicks
Bucky Barnes (Marvel) vs Aqualad (DC)
Miracle vs daveDilly
I have miracle taking this match up. I haven’t seen much from daveDilly outside of normal battles so for me that makes me a bit weary. Not of his skill but more so of miracles experience in comparison.
Nightwing(DC) vs Shuri(Black Panther)(M)
Homicidal vs TheShaman
I am not sure if Homi will show right round and TheShaman as decided that blowing cock is something he wants to write extra bars on but texting cosplay bars is over his limit and he won’t subject himself to it. No matter of money will convince him otherwise. Hold on to your principles boyo. Shammy if he shows will take this one.
Krypto (superdog- DC) vs Wong (M)
Unfukwitable vs Mimic
IF Mimic shows I don’t see him shaking off his rust hold back the wrath of Unfuk. Dude has been on a tear across a few leagues. However, I am hoping for these heavy hitters to come through with some room shakers. Im going to go with Unfuckwitable on this one.
Bob, Agent of Hydra (M) vs Robin aka Tim Drake (DC)
Virbius vs FaqEyeReddit
Hyping this one up!!!!! Virb has been going absolutely crazy and I hate to count my chickens before they hatch but this round should be no different. Faq the young star has met every challenge head on with his creativity as his signature brand being on full display every battle. If Virb is focused he will take this match. If he isn’t and Faq manages to stay concise on and direct this should be an upset. im going to go with experience
Wally West (DC) vs Asmodeus Cho aka Brawn (M)
ItsBav vs Fresh
This is absolutely no chance in hell freezing over that this match-up will happen. As much as I hope to be wrong:(
Kate Bishop (M) vs Speedy aka Roy Harper (DC)
HEK TEAFY vs Zqlkular
For some reason we have these two matching up again. Honestly, I think it’s a good thing. Last week they put on a show. The votes didn’t properly show how close this match-up was. Both have distinct styles and unique takes so this is a match-up to keep your eyes on. I am leaning towards TEAFY but I think I’ll stay undecided because its a bit too close to call.
Foggy Nelson* (M) vs Cassandra Cain (DC)
Jack Hallows* vs Spree
IM NOT CALLING THIS ONE….this is probably the battle besides Virb and Faq that I am looking forward too the most. Spree’s reputation has always been hard-hitting with anger-fueled punches, Jack has a bit of finesse to him and some wit to boot. I expect both of these competitors to come with it, gloves off. I will not call this one. I cannot. I dare not.
Bette Kane (DC) vs War Machine (M)
Chree vs KnoXxville
If Knox shows up he wins. If Knox no-shows he wins. Chree has dropped a total of 4 bars in 14 battles. 3 of which were trash. KnoXxville has shown up for 2 battles out of the 71 he has been part of.
HoneySuckle (DC) vs Hit-GIrl* (M)
Mal Diction vs Slayerr*
I going to get right too it. I think this is too normal of a topic for Mal to give a damn. If this was diabetic fish vs Horny dolphins..Mal all day. with that being said if Slayerr doesn't come to play he will find himself being a victim.
FaqEyeReddit 2-0
miracle 2-0
Spree 2-0
Jack Hallows 2-0
Slayerr 2-0
Virbius 2-0
Hek TEAFY 2-0
Unfukwitable 1-1
TheShaman 1-1
KnoXxville 1-1
daveDilly 1-1
Mimic 0-2
Zqlkular 0-2
Fresh 0-2
Mal Diction 0-2
ItsBav 0-2
Homicidal 0-2
Chree 0-9