3 bars
Due 8 days after setup
House rules
First to 4 wins.. 3-0=KO
@miracle @Unfukwitable
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3 bars
Due 8 days after setup
House rules
First to 4 wins.. 3-0=KO
@miracle @Unfukwitable
His bitch got em Under a love spell & Writin letters while her throat’s gettin smeared;
U grab the Penn & Teller how yall love is magical while she makin loads disappear
Dual Pistols I’ll ‘Pull a fast one’ & give u a gravesite when squeezin cease ya breathing,
I’m Bringin ‘smoke and mir ah’ be hidden in plain sight… cus Seeing is believing!
U acting like this wild cat but but it’s no one stampin you
Put this Meerkat in the field I’ll make sure he leaves as a stuffed animal.!
I’ll spray ya whole crew up. two 9s leave bodies in the street like thriller
The morgue’ll start building a case n police’ll have no luck doing that for ur killer
Nothing u drop Is eye catching, it’s wack n deserves boo’s
From what me n the sightseeing, we need to get some better views
Cops left looking for ya body. dump it in a lake somewhere gated..
He’ll be in that aquaphor a long time, they’ll pull his corpse out hydrated
Saw the Penn & Teller wordplay n groaned in disappointment cos its been done to death but the punch turned out to be pretty funny.
Next bar had good wordplay.
Closer was alright, not often you see taxidermy bars.
Bodies in the street like thriller is a nice set up & punch was OK.
On fire with the set ups, "it's wack m deserves boos" is joke. Sightseeing/better views worked OK.
Closed strong, its stating the obvious he'll be hydrated if pulled from a lake but the aquaphor wordplay was fresh.
Close overall, wordplay & punches were pretty even but Un having the more tailored approach I got him edging it.
Vote Un
Vote - Tie. Need a sudden death bar.
please disregard my vote if my stance isn’t sufficient. or mark it as a 1-1 if anything.
i can’t call it, honestly. i liked both verses. this is the problem i have with short battles like this, sometimes they’re easy to judge, sometimes there’s just not enough substance to pick a clear victor.
i liked Unfuk’s 1st two bars & the 3rd fell short. miracle’s 1st bar wasn’t it for me but his last 2 were solid. no one edged the other out in such a significant way that i can declare them the winner here.
we need a sudden death bar off.
Yeah tight battle, I like uns first bar a lot (I’ve never seen pen and teller before) the second was nearly dope and the closer was okay but I’ve seen mircat too often lately but it was flipped well. I liked mirs verse your closer would’ve been so dope if aquaphor (I had to Google it coz I don’t do skin care) was a name for some a body of water or ravine or something I was a bit disappointed with what come up coz I thought you nearly had a 10/10 flip.
Overall imma have to edge this to mircat for a bit more consistency but good battle lads
An aquifer is a layer of groundwater saturated sediment so you could probably read it either way. I assumed Mir misspelled aquifer until I saw your comment that Aquaphor is a thing too.
Both were good, I mostly agree with Bag on this one. Penn and Teller wp is played out but I liked how in the next couplet ‘smoke and Mir ah’ related back to it and made it more personal. Mir did well, nothing wrong with his verse but I think Un got this by a narrow margin.
Vote- Unf
aight no need to yell.
ehm. in terms of overall consistency & keeping up the theme, personals/wordplay, i’d give it to Ufwit. the 2 magic bars were the stronger couplets in the showing.
miracle’s verse was as solid as it could’ve been, probably would’ve won any other battle that didn’t have as many personals.
Vote - Ufwit
Unf came out strong and ended strong feel like his delivery and word play won the first 2 bars the second two bars I feel like were even both kind of lacked a lot of anything unf kinda fell off the rhyme scheme but I feel like miracle used filler bars… last two bars I feel like unf miracles last Bar was a little more. I’d have to say 1.6 mir to a 1.4 unf gotta go miracle
U acting like this wild cat but but it’s no one stampin you
Put this Meerkat in the field I’ll make sure he leaves as a stuffed animal
Cops left looking for ya body. dump it in a lake somewhere gated..
He’ll be in that aquaphor a long time, they’ll pull his corpse out hydrated
Overall Vote - I gotta give this one to miracle it’s very close tho these was my favorite from
Both but I gotta slightly edge it to mir for better consistency and creativity un had a great verse also
But mir closer was the cherry for me
3-3 this shit is exciting. good job y’all this is what it’s all about.
I vote miracle i think both had a couple forced concepts and 1 good concept each- it just felt a little less fluid than it should.
Unfukwitable- better wordplay overall, even though it was a little forced.
Miracle- I thought you are really closer to being pretty good- i liked the sightseeing line. the aquifer line was pretty different. in general i hate all of the rhyme schemes though lol